Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Mobility platform addresses demands of the wearables era

Good Technology launches platform and app for enterprise mobile data security.
Good Technology has launched a secure mobility platform for mobile apps and wearables, dubbed the 'Good Dynamics platform'.

The Good Dynamics platform allows users to safely access and store confidential information like business data on wearable devices. It does this via Good-secured apps which utilise mobile identity and access management features including two-factor authentication and access control.

The Good Work app enables users to access this information via smartphones, tablets and wearable devices such as a wristwatch or fitness tracker. Good Work supports Android Wear which allows users to respond to emails, update calendars, push notifications and accept or reject meeting requests.

"As more connected devices proliferate across the enterprise, it's imperative to understand the implications they present so that organizations can permit increased employee productivity without endangering sensitive data," said Christy Wyatt, chairman and CEO of Good Technology.

The Internet of Things (IoT) takes secure mobility beyond smartphones to include connected cars, vending machines and other non-traditional connected devices in the enterprise.

International Data Corporation (IDC) estimated that by 2020 there would be approximately 30 billion connected IoT units, with the market worth an estimated $3.04 trillion.

"Wearable devices give people powerful new ways to access the information and services that are most important to them, whatever they may be," said Rick Osterloh, president of Motorola Mobility.

"While much of the focus has been on consumers, there is also a huge opportunity for wearables to better connect people to the productivity services and applications that have become so essential in the workplace," he added.

Originally published on on 2nd March 2015

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