Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Best of my animal stories at Cambridge TV

From the tiny ant to the Iguanodon there's plenty of incredible creatures roaming or being studied (in a nice way) in Cambridge. I've had the privilege of meeting some beautiful creatures and their kindly keepers during my time at Cambridge TV. Here are some of my highlights:

K9 Aqau Sport

One of the first stories I did here involved a dog long-jump which involve, well, this...

Ants show Nano-scientists how it's done!

In the more serious surroundings of Cambridge University, scientists were looking towards a cleaning mechanism ants used which they thought could help them build new nano-machine!


Dog Expert awarded for 40 years of service

One of the nicest academics I met was Professor Mike Herrtage who got £10,000 from the International Canine Health Awards for the four decades working with the animals.

Do Zoos help animal conservation?

The Director at Shepreth Wildlife Park has became the first female Chairman of a national organisation representing Britain and Ireland's leading zoos.  It came at a time when zoos are under increasing scrutiny after a keeper's death in South Lakes and the shooting of a gorilla in the states. 

Dinosaurs Saw Red

Anyone who knows me knows I'm dinosaur mad, so any chance to play around in the Sedgwick Museum is never getting turned down!

Dinosaur Song

And I'm not the only one crazy enough about them, even the stuffy-Victorians wrote silly ditties about 'Jolly Old Beasts'

Wanna Help Animals?

While there's now an even gender split between males and females in Veterinary positions there very few men taking up roles as veterinary nurses. The College of West Anglia hope this doesn't stay the case:

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